Andreas demonstrates intellectual rigor, poetic expression and powerful technique in his playing. His combination of musical imagination and emotional depth is rare and impressive.
— Andrè Watts
Andreas Apostolou is a powerhouse composer and pianist. He brings astounding musicianship and thought to everything he touches. He is also fun and lovely to work with.
— Peter Golub
He performed my pieces in a manner so impresive that it rivaled any previous performances by well-known pianists, in its technical sophistication, interpretive intelligence and elegant, sensitive pianism.
— Bernard Rands
He demonstrates astonishing technique, glibly tossing off the most formidable of passages. Yet, he is no mere automaton, for he approaches every piece with the utmost sensitivity and depth of understanding. This same technical facility and innate musicality manifest themselves in his compositions as well.
— Claude Baker


“For his debut solo single, Metamorphosis, which came after touring Europe as a concert pianist, the Athens-born pianist, composer and producer, Andreas Fevos collaborated with Alex Bappo to set a strikingly narrative jazz score.

Together, they created a theatrically vibrant feat of jazz, which starts with the rapid tempo of neoclassic keys before the complexity of the time signatures consumes you within the extended release that exhibits Fevos’s love for theatre and storytelling. With interludes between the wild yet professionally tamed progressions, you just can’t help living in this constantly evolving metamorphically scintillating sonic fantasy.

With a PhD in Piano Performance and currently a PhD candidate in Composition for Visual Media at UCLA, you can rest assured that you’re in extremely deft hands through the often-times frantic expression of his ingenuity.”

Amelia Vandergust, A&R Factory, November 11 2022, https://www.anrfactory.com/andreas-fevos-feat-alex-bappo-metamorphosis-live-the-scintillating-sonic-fantasy/

“The performances I heard included. . . Andreas Foivos Apostolou’s exploration of the perturbed interiority of a Rzewski nocturne.”

Mark Swed, The LA Times, April 23 2022, https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/story/2022-04-23/composers-harrison-birtwistle-george-crumb-william-kraft

“Whizzing Through the Musical Wormhole

….He is a keyboard player of astonishing ability. And, like so many contemporary Russian pianists, he is a jazz musician extraordinary. His spiritual mentor was obviously Dave Brubeck (himself a student of Darius Milhaud). The themes had that bumptious Brubeck heartiness, the development had a Take Five cleverness.

But Mr. Apostolou was far more complex than Brubeck (and we’re not speaking of his frequent knocks on piano wood, or playing inside the box). He could venture far far behind the original motives, yet, either contrapuntally or rhythmically, that original melody would pop up.

The recital lasted little more than an hour, yet every minute was a rare experience. Works ancient and unknown and perhaps personally showoffy. But Mr. Apostolou had a lot of superlative pianism to show off about, and wasn’t afraid (in Leo Ornstein’s words) to mentally and physically move us.”

Harry Rolnick, May 10 2019, https://www.concertonet.com/scripts/review.php?ID_review=13873

“This Bargemusic Masterworks Series concert was held at the Bargemusic concert hall on November 10th, 2016 at 8pm at Brooklyn Bridge Blvd in Brooklyn, NY . The primary musician for this event was Andreas Foivos Apostolou in the role of piano player. . . The legato flow of the music was claiming, especially in the case of undulating scales that continually flowed into ach other in a very smooth mannerism. Of course, the “Scottish Sonata” is primarily a monophonic piece that reveals the solo piano virtuosity of the player.

Certainly, he showed a great diversity by intermixing early classical composers from across different historical eras, but his specialty lies in the abstract modern works of his own compositions!”

Bartleby Research, November 2016: https://www.bartleby.com/essay/Bargemusic-Concert-Hall-Analysis-675D88FACDE30444

“Wow! Greek pianist Andreas Foivos Apostolou took our breath away at Bargemusic last weekend.”

Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 15 November 2016: https://twitter.com/BklynEagle/status/798604569588695040

“The piano pieces were inspired, says Rands, by three of his favorite composers, Scriabin, Debussy, and Ravel, pieces he ‘extended’ and ‘transformed’ into new works to test today’s pianists and listeners. The tested pianist on Thursday was Andreas Foivos-Apostolou, Athens born and now a Jacobs School master’s candidate doubling in piano performance and composition. His skills at the piano proved noteworthy. He did not seem tested at all but, rather, comfortably in sync with the styles and demands.”

Peter Jacobi, Music Review: New Music Ensemble and Bernard Rands, 28 October 2015



Μαρία Μόσχου, Τύπος Κηφισιάς, 2017

Γιώργος Λεωτσάκος, Critic’s Point, 2017

Άκης Τσόπελας, Ritorno, 2017,

“Μία απολαυστική μουσική βραδιά πρόσφερε το βράδυ της Δευτέρας (19/6) ο Ανδρέας Φοίβος Αποστόλου σε μοναδικό ρεσιτάλ πιάνου με τον γενικό τίτλο Music Con Fusion. O πολυτάλαντος πιανίστας και συνθέτης ερμήνευσε μοναδικά έργα των Jean-Philippe Rameu, Johannnes Brahms, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Ottorino Respighi και Carl Vine. Παράλληλα και τρείς δικές του συνθέσεις: Negev (2016), Metamorhosis (2016) και Panmixia (2017). Αξίζει να σημειωθεί ότι το Metamorhosis (Best Contemporary Work for Piano Solo) θα ηχογραφηθεί τον Φεβρουάριο του 2018 από τη Naxos of America Records… Πρόσφατα κέρδισε το πρώτο βραβείο ως συνθέτης στα βραβεία Cum Laude Music Awards της Ισπανίας.”

Μαρία Μόσχου, Τύπος Κηφισιάς, 2016