Groove | Synthwave | Prog | Ambient | Electronic |

Groove | Synthwave | Prog | Ambient | Electronic |

Clinamenn is my alias for electronic music where I explore soundscape, atmosphere, groove and a wide range of musical genres.

“Clinamen”, or “κλίναμεν” in ancient Greek (transl: the swerve) is a philosophical theory developed by Roman philosopher Lucretius Carus (99-55BC) about the nature of free will and how atoms (“ά-τομα”: non-divisible) can swerve unpredictably and “break fate”. Clinamen happens seemingly "at no fixed place or time". . .



Sci-fi space exploration, and ancient Greek mythological themes meet electronic music. This album is meant to be listened from beginning to end, like a journey through various atmospheres evoking a unified narrative.


Carlos Durán - Guitar (track 6, 16)

Ella Li- Voice (track 7)

Jonathan Tompkins- Trumpet (track 7)

Xenia Deviatkina-Loh- Violin (track 16)

Nikos Thanasimos- Mastering

Randa Ali- Video


Music Video by Randa Ali