Choir | Orchestra

Moires for Orchestra and Piano

Moira is the Greek word for "fate". Each movement of this concerto will be based on the personification of the three "Moirai" deities: Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos. This first movement was inspired by Clotho, who spins the web of life. She can bring happiness to mortals, but also death with her ruthless and limitless power

De Rerum Natura

Book I
Book II
Conductor: Steven Berlanga
Recital Hall, Indiana University

De Rerum Natura (“On the Nature of Things”) was written by Roman philosopher Lucretius Carus. He further developed ideas about atomism, a philosophical school founded by Democritus and popularized by Epicurus. I compiled parts of Books I and II, where Lucretius deals with existential questions in a naturalistic manner, very ahead of his time. His poetry is still relevant today, so I chose an English translation that maintains the natural flow of the original dactylic hexameter.

Van- 1915

Fear, Fury, Fate

Indiana University Philharmonic Orchestra

In 1915- 1917, the Ottoman Empire slaughtered 1.5 million Armenians, and 700.000 Pontian Greeks. Van, was the first city with armed resistance that bravely defended itself from the Ottoman army. I wrote Van- 1915 in 3 sections that represent the stages of battle and grief that Armenians felt. Themes are based on Armenian modes and tetrachords.

Vision Fugitive No.8

Indiana University Philharmonic Orchestra

This is an arrangement of Prokofiev’s Vision Fugitive No. 8 for piano.